Thursday, 23 June 2011

White Genocide in South Africa

Hello All

The below text has been quoted by the Genocide Watch:  TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK

Boers in stage 6 genocide: dr Gregory Stanton

June 21st, 2011 § 1 Comment
Genocide Watch: “Julius Malema must be removed as leader of the ANC youth league… he is a violent Marxist-racist just like Winnie Mandela. We will update South Africa to being in Stage 6 (of  the 8 stages) of genocide in the next week…’
June 21 2011 – by Adriana Stuijt - Dr Gregory Stanton  of wrote me today that his organisation is upgradingSouth Africa to Stage 6 of genocide – when death lists are drawn up, propaganda targetting the target-groups distributed, groups are formed, attacks are starting to culminate in a full-out Genocide, and target groups forced into camps or marginal land sites . (Helpende Hand can tell you exactly where those camps are)… Stage 8 is denial of the genocide.
Stanton writes “Julius Malema must be removed as leader of the ANC youth league. He is a violent Marxist-racist. Just like Winnie Mandela.Genocide Watch wll upgrade South Africa to Stage 6 in the next week’.
Legally, this designation by the world’s acknowledged expert-organisation on the process of genocide (genocide is not a singular event, it is a long-drawn out process), also means that Boers can use this status to be legally admitted as ‘political refugees’ from this government-directed genocidal violence targetting them in South Africa.  It also means that this fact will also be added to the two charges of genocide lodged by Boer-organisations at the International Criminal Court in The Hague in April and May this year.
Two minority groups in South Africa – the 3-million Boer people and 10-million  black-African Refugees – were still listed as being at Stage 5,preparation, by Genocide Watch in its May 2011 list. The Boers have been listed at stage 5 since 2002.  Upgrading it to Stage 6 means that both groups now are being targetted actively; that they are being demonised and identified as the ‘enemy-group’; that death-lists are being drawn up against them (such as Malema is doing with his announcement to take over all the farms with violence, that groups are organised and publicity published to organise the attacks and identify the victims on death-lists.  Stage 8 is the denial of the genocide and attempts to hide it by the perpetrators.

I wrote to Dr Stanton (pageview of correspondence below) : “I am gettingreports from many friends in South Africa that black workers are fleeing from the few white-owned farms that are left ‘for fear of their own safety’ because the word is out that there will be organised land-invasions, in kwaZulu-Natal, in Limpopo, the Free State and in Gauteng. Meanwhile there’s also this: ‘whites attacked 2x as much as black foreigners by black-racists in South Africa:
I have thus far managed to write reports for the lawyers which helped to save only 199 of these (Boer) families who have gotten political asylum in Australia, Canada and the USA. Am waiting to hear about the next court-case in Nebraska USA on June 24, 2011. Let’s hope it is good news.’
4000 farm murders and counting. How many does it take until the international community steps in. Just like the aparthied why is thing being done for the white Man

Something needs to be done.

They Dont Care ( ANC)

Throughout the history of Africa there are many men who stand out for good and then are some that stand out for their greed and cruelty.   These men have not improved the country they govern, they have systematically destroyed them.  Yes, we remember Colonialism, Imperialism and the dreaded 'A' word but why is it that every country on this continent from North to South, East to West have taken a huge nose dive once that country has won their independence?  What is the common denominator?  I will let you answer that for yourselves.  My opinion is that the 'leaders' are not in it for the people, the ordinary man in the street, the man they proclaim to be uplifting.  The men and women who put them there through their votes!  They are in it for themselves.  Don't believe me? Take a look at how Mugabe lives, where he lives and then turn the corner and look at how his people live; the ones that have survived so far!  His people are leaving Zimbabwe and coming to South Africa only to be the recipients of xenophobic attacks.  Zimbabwe, a country that was called 'The Bread Basket of Africa' is now in ruin.  And he still blames Colonialism!

A question; why is it that communism has died a death in many previous communist linked parts of the world, yet in South Africa certain people still quote Che Guevara and Lenin and refer to each other as 'comrade'? Does this not hint at communist beliefs?  

There was talk in the beginning of a South Africa for all people - where is that talk now? When Malema shouts for nationalisation of the mines, nationalisation of the banks, land being taken for no compensation, the farmers and families who feed us are murdered, tortured and driven out of this beautiful country.  We all voted for a democratic country, that is what we want, that is our right; we have one of the best constitutions in the world (it appears not to be worth the paper it is written on). We are heading for an autocratic country where the poor get poorer and winner takes all and all we have to look forward to is another African country run by another despotic, demented dictator. 

They don't care about the people living in abject poverty, they don't care about the man who can't afford to pay for a doctor or can’t afford to feed his family, they don't care about the women and children who are raped and murdered, they don't care that our roads are disintegrating, they don't care that electrical supply is in a precarious situation, they don't care that drinking water is getting more polluted every day, they don’t care about the rise in crime, they don’t care about the fraudulent activities that go on (are they perhaps recipients of these activities?), they don't care that our wildlife is being slaughtered at an unprecedented rate; I could go on and on.  The bottom line is that; THEY JUST DON’T CARE.  They care only for themselves and filling their coffers, so that when it all falls apart they have a nice fat bank account when they leave! Because believe me, they are the ones that will leave – they always do!

Oh beautiful South Africa, the last bastion of this continent; you are fighting for your survival.  Please give her the strength and leadership of a good and honest person to enable her to endure.

Problem in SA

The biggest problem, in my opinion;  that SA is facing at this very moment is Julius Malema.

He is bringing the country to its knees and this is going to affect all races.   He only cares about himself. When you see him and hear him speak it proves it. Read about his company SGL Engineering, with all the tenders he 'wins' he could take a portion of that money and put it back in to the local people and the community, his people, his community. If he really gave two s**** then that is what he should do. But he lives in an upmarket house, in a very upmarket supburb in Sandton, drives 4 x 4'x and watches his supporters battle to put food on their tables.  Take that money and buy some land from the Government and give it out like candy.  Just to prove that land grabs don't work, take a look at a tea estate in Tzaneen called Middelkop Tea Estate which was part of Sapekoe Tea Estates. Land claim went in and it was taken over by a local tribal leader, next thing is the manual workers are begging on the road outside the Estate as they hadn't been paid, and the 'big boy' drives off into the sunset never to be seen again.   All in all, with all the Sapekoe Estates combined, 6000 people lost their jobs.  Tea is dead, plant is stripped and the Middelkop Estate had been a fine source of revenue in the Limpopo Region for over 30 years.  I won't even mention the farms that have been lost and destroyed in the Letsitele Valley, the 'Cirtus Capital' of South Africa.   How does that work? 

All that land grab does is cause loss of life and loss of jobs for all races.  When will it stop? Again as I started this comment “The biggest problem that SA is facing is Julius Malema” PEACE TO ALL MY SOUTH AFRICANS.