What has become of South Africa a much loved country by all?
When all we read is about farm murders, rapes, hi-jacking, corruption, arms deals, tender fraud and the ANCYL. Oh yes don’t forget the Nationalisation story.
There is nothing but bad news and it is getting worse. I just wish the masses would wake up and see what their chosen party is doing to them, us and the country.
Name one positive thing that has happened in 17 years? ( Don’t count the end of apartheid or the rugby). It is sad what South Africa is becoming and it is all because the people in Government don’t care about anyone but themselves. 50% people out of jobs. 55 murders a day. Not even in Afghanistan are there as many deaths and don’t forget; there is a war going on there.
The rot is growing and growing deep. The word 'banana republic' keeps coming up, is South Africa heading in the same direction? I was sent a blog from my Mom the other day and it is some very interesting and very scary reading. Below is a link please feel free to check it out. The beginning of a race war. Good reading.
Post: The signs of the brewing South African Race-War
Link: http://mspoliticalcommentary.blogspot.com/2011/08/signs-of-brewing-south-african-race-war.html
Link: http://mspoliticalcommentary.blogspot.com/2011/08/signs-of-brewing-south-african-race-war.html
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